Finally: Discover a Proven Process to Gain Complete Control Over How Your Body Feels.
So You Can Feel FANTASTIC, Enjoy Increased Energy, a Healthy Weight, a Clear Mind, and Less Pain. Learn MoreIf you dream of feeling absolutely amazing—physically, emotionally, and mentally—but believe the way you feel is out of your control, this is for you …
You CAN create daily practices that change your body and your life:
be more present, cultivate more of what matters,
and have more FUN! I’ll show you how.
Hi, I’m Talya Lutzker, founder of the Nourish Your Body with Ayurveda Bootcamp and The RAD Cleanse.
I’ve been a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner for 15 years.
If you’re here, chances are it’s because you’re not feeling your best… you know you could be thriving in your life so much more.

You are likely experiencing one or more of the following:
Your energy is low
and it’s hard for you to do (and enjoy) all the things you want and need to do—or to move forward on new projects or ventures that are important to you.
You've gained some extra weight
and you can’t seem to shake it, no matter how healthy you eat or how much you exercise.
You're addicted to things
you know aren’t good for you—sugar, salt, alcohol, caffeine—and just the thought of working so hard to give them up makes you cringe.
You're moody
anxious, overwhelmed, and irritable! Although you can’t put your finger on what’s bothering you. You find yourself snapping at your loved ones: your kids, your spouse, and even your friends.
Despite what you thought was a healthy diet
you’re plagued with digestive issues like constipation, gas, and bloating.
Auto-immune problems
(like rashes, fatigue and inflammation) and allergies keep coming up. No matter which foods your try to cut out, or which allergens you try to avoid.
The bottom line: you’re tired of being tired. You’re sick of not feeling your best.
And you want, more than anything, to regain control of your body!
If any of this sounds familiar, I want you to know that you are not alone, and that there IS hope.
With the Right Tools, Techniques, and Daily Practices, You CAN Achieve Optimal Health and All That Comes with It: Energy, Enthusiasm, and Happiness.
Obesity, fatigue, inflammation, depression, anxiety and all kinds of health imbalances are on the rise. The fact is, many of the people suffering from these issues believe they’re doing things “right.” They eat what they believe is a healthy, balanced diet. They exercise. They try to get enough sleep.
So what’s going wrong?
Why do smart people, dedicated to their health, struggle to feel well? Why aren’t they able to heal themselves?
Because most of the advice out there is simply too generalized.
So many of the diets, regimens and exercise plans we see now are one-size-fits all. They’re designed to work for everybody. But in most cases, they won’t work for YOU, because they’re not based on your individual needs. Each one of us is unique. We have different body types, different digestive weaknesses, and different symptoms. We all have issues that result from our pasts and our environment.
That’s why, when you seek healing, you must seek healing that is customized to YOUR body type. YOUR digestive system and YOUR symptoms.
Ayurveda, an individualized system of medicine,
IS that healing.
Ayurveda is a holistic tradition that dates back more than 5,000 years. It translates to “knowledge of life” or “knowledge of self.” It’s based on the concept that each of us is born with a personal blueprint for prime health.
It’s all about keeping your body in balance.
What works for you may not work for someone else. And, what works for you today, in this moment, will change. The seasons will change and the patterns at play in your system will change. You can count on that.
When you understand your starting point – along with your habits, strengths and vulnerabilities – your health starts to improve.
And the good news is that you don’t have to be an expert! I’m here to guide you in your understanding of Ayurveda. I’ll teach how to use it to improve your health … so you can support your changing needs, and, as a result, feel fantastic!
Before I ever did a cleanse with Talya, I was in a bad space. I’d been fighting the same 20 or 25 pounds my whole life. I was bloated, I was an insomniac, I was stressed at work… If you see people write reviews that say, ‘Talya saved my life,’ I am one of those people. The RAD Cleanse truly transforms the way you think about your life and your health.
Before I explain how I can guide you in harnessing the power of Ayurveda, I’d like to tell you a little bit about who I am. And the journey I’m on, so you can understand how I can help you.
I help people who love food, yoga, and Ayurveda (even if they don’t know they love it yet) take a giant step forward in their health and happiness. I help women reclaim their radiance.
It wasn’t always this way for me. Before I found Ayurveda, I was a mess.
I was depressed, rarely got my period, and was chronically ten pounds overweight, no matter how healthy I ate, or how much I exercised.
I had chronic bloating, lymphatic blockage, and chronic constipation. Also, I’d dealt with bulimia and severe body image issues for years.
I was lost… I had no life purpose and no ambition. And I knew that, in order to change my life, I needed to choose a new direction.
So I did all I could to search for something that would get me onto a path of happiness. I focused on the one thing I knew I loved (yoga) and decided to become a yoga teacher.

Yet at the same time as I embarked on this total life shift, years of being out of balance caught up with me. It culminated into an expression of illness I couldn’t ignore. I broke out in a severe psoriasis rash overnight at my yoga teacher training.
I knew I had to change. I didn’t want to live with illness or disease. And I didn’t want to turn to western medicine for a quick fix.
I knew I didn’t have to. I believed there was a way I could heal and find the root cause of my physical and emotional suffering.
I stumbled upon Ayurveda and, within weeks of practicing the principles, I felt so much better. Right away, I lost that ten pounds I couldn’t lose before.
The angry psoriasis rashes started to fade. I got my period again, I started seeing myself with more loving eyes.
I felt strong, healthy, and vibrant and like myself again!
It was AMAZING to me that those changes were possible through diet, nutrition, and body care.
So amazing, in fact, that I made Ayurveda my livelihood. I made it my mission to share this life-changing practice with people like you. People who want to discover a powerful method for regaining control of their body and their life.
Talya, I feel like you saved my life… I am so grateful for your guidance with my health and willingness to go the distance. I am feeling 150% better with new energy and clarity of mind. Thank you!
If you want to feel great, you should do the RAD Cleanse – start with any season, any time. The knowledge and wisdom is cumulative. It starts to become lifestyle: easy, effortless, pleasurable, fun, yummy.
Before the cleanse I had really low energy. I was tired all the time and not sleeping well. After the RAD Cleanse, I had so much energy and was feeling so good about everything I even started a new business!
If that’s you, I’d like to invite you to join me for …
The RAD (Radiance Ayurveda Detox) Cleanse:
A 30-Day Purification Plan to Recharge Your Body, Mind and Spirit
…a 30-day program designed to show you how to apply Ayurveda to your daily life. So you increase your energy, balance your hormones and improve your mood. So you strengthen your digestive and immune systems. So you repair the root cause of troubling symptoms and restore true balance and health.
Quick note: Although this is a cleanse, it’s also a reset. Clearing your body of what it doesn’t need, and giving it all that it does. The RAD Cleanse is not about deprivation or fasting. It’s about eating wholesome, nourishing, surprisingly delicious food. You’ll increase your energy, improve your skin, and rejuvenate your body. You’ll feel lighter, clearer, freer, and amazing!
Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn
when you join me for the RAD Cleanse:
How to identify your specific body type, or dosha, and what this means when it comes to practicing Ayurveda. So you can fine-tune The RAD Cleanse for your unique constitution and keep your body in balance.
How to manage and reduce common cleanse-related symptoms. So you feel supported and knowledgeable as you go through this process.
Which foods to cut and why—and which foods to eat to feel energized, nourished, hydrated, and vibrant!
How to better deal with the emotions that come up when letting go of certain foods you may love. And understand what’s at the root of many of your cravings. So you can reduce your resistance as you make these important changes.
Tons of nourishing recipes, tips, and strategies for eating the RAD way. The RAD Cleanse is a way of life that you’ll love. It will help you maintain control of your health and continue the work you start doing here.
How to come out of the cleanse and implement what you’ve learned, long-term.
Strategies to follow through on the desires you have for health, strength, and energy. So you can keep your momentum going.
Self-care practices that support your shift and aid your body in deeper transformation.
And so much more.

- Prepare for your RAD-dest cleanse ever.
- Set your intention and create an inspiring promise to yourself
- Receive your RAD Cleanse manual and season-specific shopping list
- Discover The RAD Essentials: Why and How the RAD Cleanse works.
- Learn where to shop, what foods to avoid, and what foods to say YES to
- Start feeling better already as you cut the “toxic twelve” and apply healing remedies

- Learn specific Ayurvedic body-care practices that enhance your cleanse experience.
- Discover what deep hydration means, and how you can have it.
- Get menu plans, meal inspiration, and feel excited about what you’re eating.
- Discover your Dosha, so you can make decisions based on your unique constitution.
- Receive super simple recipes that are delicious.
- Practice yoga and meditation for optimal digestion.

- Learn about the six organs of elimination and how to keep your body healthy using food as medicine
- Create a morning routine that helps you start each day with intention, balance and energy.
- Use mindful eating practices to increase peace and reduce cravings.
- Get great tips for staying RAD when you eat out and travel.
- Discover the best self-care, body care, meditation, and exercise for your unique body.

- Reintegrate and discover your post-cleanse support system—including strategies, tips, and implementation.
- Turn your cleanse into a way of life.
- Discover long-term Ayurveda maintenance for vitality and radiance.
- Learn how to make healthy eating decisions when you’re at parties and social gatherings.
- Recover with love when you’re not feeling RAD.
Talya, you and your cleanse programs are such a wonderful combination of knowledge, deep caring, excellent communication skills, business savvy and professionalism. I am very impressed.
You may be wondering how we’re going to cover all this.
A Welcome video
Talya will introduce you to the RAD Cleanse, orient you to the course, and help you prepare for your RAD-dest cleanse ever.
A powerful Set Your Intention exercise
When you set your intention, your goals are in reach. Talya will help you create the right mindset to make positive changes (and stick with them).
about RAD food, Ayurvedic Body Care, Yoga, Meditation and more. Talya will explain what you can expect from the RAD Cleanse, what staples to keep in your kitchen, how to stay hydrated, and more.
A 100+ Page Cleanse Manual
Plus weekly handouts, menu plans, recipes, success trackers, and checklists. You’ll have all you need to know about RAD essentials and how to cleanse with success. You can adjust your cleanse as a vegan, vegetarian or carnivore.
Weekly Support
so you stay on track throughout the program. Talya makes sure you get all your questions answered. And that your Ayurvedic knowledge deepens as a result of the RAD Cleanse.
Bonus videos
yoga practices, guided meditations, affirmations, master food lists and more. Talya will help you take your get your energy back and take your health to the next level.
I loved watching Talya’s videos, interacting with the other RAD Cleansers and checking out the updates. I enjoyed being part of the group because I got ideas and could see other people succeeding. The community was a great value. I felt connected and people asked great questions. It was awesome!
Plus, the following BONUSES!

Bonus #1:
Four, live Q&A Training Calls with Talya!
(Value: $397)
These training calls are invaluable. You’ll get everything you could need from the program broken down for you week by week. So you never feel behind, you’re not confused or overwhelmed, you’re able to stay on track, and go at your own pace.
Talya will answer all your questions AND offer amazing education inside each call. The topics include a live cooking demo, how to feel RAD all day long, and more!

Bonus #2:
The Life-Changing Power of Ayurveda Interview Series, Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop
(Value: $197)
The wisdom in Talya’s Ayurveda summit is an ongoing source of comfort, insight and inspiration. Includes Talya’s Nourishment Fundamentals Recipe Book. Apply the life-changing power of Ayurveda every day in your very own kitchen! You’ll see how easy it is to nourish yourself with Ayurveda and food as medicine.

Bonus #3:
Private Facebook Community where you can ask Talya anything!
(Value: $397)
Deepen your learning, get all your questions answered, and meet RAD people! Talya’s Tribe of RAD Cleansers experience the warmth and support of community. This is where you’ll get emotional, social and nutritional support. Plus nourishment in an environment that’s transformational, educational and motivational. Not to mention inspiring and fun!
Now, you may be wondering how much this is going to cost you.
First, I’d love for you to consider the RAD Cleanse an investment rather than a cost. You can expect a huge return on your health! How much is it worth to you to know that you’re about to gain total empowerment over your body and how you feel? How much is it worth to know that you have the power to create the exact experience you want? That your ability to heal is within your reach, and in your hands? It’s invaluable!
Regular seasonal cleansing is anti-aging, disease-preventing, inflammation-reducing, immune-boosting, and hormone-balancing. It reminds you to live in harmony with yourself – and with nature. That’s why I recommend seasonal cleansing to all my clients. And why I keep the RAD Cleanse investment level so reasonable.
The RAD Cleanse (Radiance Ayurveda Detox):
A 30-Day Purification Plan to Recharge Your Body, Mind and Spirit
$397 (or three installments of $147)
The RAD Cleanse is valued at $1388!
And you make this investment at no risk, because we offer a 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. We’re confident that this program works!
Talya has poured her heart into building this program for you. She’s confident that by participating in this program, you will learn how to practice healthful, Ayurvedic principles that nourish your body and improve your health.
If you show up, practice the principles, ask clarifying questions when you need to, and lean in for support, you will have a health-boosting experience and feel better as a result. Within 30 days of purchase, if you do the full coursework and fully participate to get the results you’re after, and you don’t believe this program worked for you, we’ll promptly refund your course fee. To be clear, if you don’t submit reasonable proof within 30 days of purchase that you used the program and it didn’t work for you, no refund will be issued.
The RAD Cleanse feels so supportive and I feel successful! My goal was to get allergens out of my body so I could see how I feel. And I feel good!
So are you ready for the RAD Cleanse?
Or do you still have a few questions?
Here are answers to some of the questions
I hear most frequently:
Q : I'm not sure I can afford this. How can I justify the cost?
Q: I don't think I have time for a cleanse. How much time will this take?
Q: I've tried everything already! How do I know this will work?
Q: I always let myself down and don't follow through. I know what to do, but I don't always do it. How can you help me with this?
Q: I rarely stick with anything long enough for it to make a difference. How fast will this work?
Q: Will I have to run to the bathroom? Can I do this while I'm working?
So NOW are you ready?

Yes, Talya! I’m ready to have power over how my body feels—to have energy and vitality, clear skin, and an ideal body weight!
I understand that for my investment of $397
(or three installments of $147),
I receive:
The RAD Cleanse begins Wednesday, October 17th!
Doors are open for a limited time!
So don’t miss the boat… ENROLL NOW!
Doors close Tuesday, October 16th at midnight, PST.
This is your time… Sign up today!

Right now, your health may be at a crossroads.
Right now, you’re not feeling your best. You know you could feel better, look better, and live better… if only you had the tools.
And right now, you’re standing at an open door. On the other side, I will give you the tools you need to optimize your health, take control of how you feel… and balance your life. Will you step through the door and join me? The choice is yours!
To your health – and radiance.
Love, Talya
P.S. Within a handful of days of joining me for the RAD Cleanse, you could feel calmer, more energetic, and more vibrant. So what are you waiting for? Why spend another day feeling less than your best? Better starts now, here.