Finally: Feel Radiant, Energized, and AMAZING In Your Body!

Flourish, Nourish, and Master the Art of Self-Healing Through Seasonal Ayurvedic Rituals, Nutrition, and the Best Self-Care of Your Life

  • If you wake up feeling tired and heavy before the day even begins…

  • If you dream of feeling better, but feel like you’ve tried everything…

  • If you can’t figure out what’s wrong with your health – and you crave an all-natural approach for feeling good again, this is for you… 

You CAN begin each day feeling energized, vital, and full of life.

You CAN change your body and re-discover enthusiasm for your life.

You CAN enjoy more of what matters to you and have FUN doing it! I’ll show you how.

Hi! I’m Talya Lutzker, founder of Ayurveda Every Day With Talya, the Detox Your Body with Ayurveda Bootcamp, and Ayurveda Starter School.

Ayurveda’s been my primary health care system since 2001. It changed my life so profoundly that I became a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner in 2003.

If you’re here right now, chances are it’s because you’re not feeling your best. You want to feel GREAT and you’re looking for a sustainable system that works for YOU and your body.

Are you experiencing one or more of the following?


low energy

It’s hard for you to do and enjoy all the things you want and need to do. Afternoon slumps make it hard for you to move forward on projects that matter to you.


stuck in craving & addiction

For foods you know aren’t good for you, such as sugar, salt, carbs, alcohol, and caffeine. Just the thought of giving them up makes you feel sad or cringe.


weight gain

 And no matter what you try, you can’t seem to shake it off, no matter how healthy you eat or how much you exercise.


feeling moody and irritable

Not to mention overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed. Although you can’t put your finger on what’s bothering you, you find yourself snapping at your loved ones: your kids, your spouse, and even your friends.


you think you eat a healthy diet

Yet you’re plagued with low energy and frequent digestive issues such as constipation, gas, and bloating.


Auto-immune issues

Allergies, rashes, fatigue, and inflammation keep coming up – no matter which foods your try to cut out or avoid.

The bottom line: You’re sick of not feeling your best.

You’re tired of feeling exhausted and frustrated.

And more than anything, you want to feel empowered!

It’s time that you feel confident and comfortable in your skin.

If any of this sounds familiar, I want you to know that you’re not alone. there IS hope.


You Can Achieve Vibrant Health and All That Comes with Feeling Good: Energy, Enthusiasm, Balance…


It’s time for you to feel renewed and refreshed.

It’s time for something new.

Did you know?

Obesity, fatigue, inflammation, depression, anxiety and all kinds of health imbalances are on the rise. The fact is, most people suffering from these issues believe they’re doing things “right.”  They eat what they think is a healthy, balanced diet. They exercise. They go to the doctor. They try to get enough sleep.

So what goes wrong?

Why do smart people who want to feel good struggle to feel well? Why aren’t they able to maintain long-term health and heal when something’s gone awry?

Because most advice out there is simply too general.

So many of the diets, regimens and exercise plans we see now are one-size-fits all. They’re designed to work for everybody. But in most cases, they won’t work for YOU because they’re not based on your individual needs. You are unique. You have a specific body type, a tendency towards your own style of digestive weakness, and your own set of “common” physical and emotional symptoms.

That’s why, when your health isn’t what you want it to be, you must seek healing that’s customized to YOUR body, YOUR digestion, and YOUR life.

What you really need is an individualized, all-natural approach to healing. Ayurveda IS that medicine.

Ayurveda is a holistic medical tradition that dates back more than 5,000 years.

It means “science of life” or “knowledge of Self.”

Ayurveda’s based on the concept that you’re born with a unique, personal blueprint for prime health.

It’s a science that’s all about keeping your body, mind and spirit in balance.

What works for you may not work for someone else. And, what works for you today, in this moment, will change.

The seasons will change and the patterns at play in your system will change. You can count on that.

But when you understand your starting point – and come to see how your habits, strengths and vulnerabilities are part of your constitutional nature – you make better choices and your health starts to improve.

You don’t have to be an expert! You only have to be willing to learn something new.

I’m here to guide you, help you heal yourself, and discover how Ayurveda can improve your life. In The RAD Cleanse, I teach how to use Ayurveda every day … so you can balance your body year-round and feel fantastic!

I loved Talya’s Bootcamp, and The RAD Cleanse is just what I needed to keep going. I have been trying to read and learn everything I can about Ayurveda, but it is so much more helpful listening to Talya every day. Thank you for making this available!

Robin R

Before I explain how I can guide you in harnessing the power of Ayurveda, I’ll tell you a little bit about me and the journey I’m on, so you can understand how I can help you.

I help people who love to feel good take a giant step forward in their health and happiness. I help people reclaim their radiance.

Since the moment I found Ayurveda, I’ve felt totally empowered around my health. But it wasn’t always this way. Before I found Ayurveda, I was a mess.

Depressed and chronically ten pounds overweight (no matter how healthy I ate or over-exercised), I suffered from bloating, irregular periods, low immunity, and chronic constipation. I also grappled with bulimia and severe body image issues.

Feeling lost… I had no life purpose and no ambition. I didn’t know where to turn. Yet somewhere inside, I knew that in order to change my life, I had to choose something that gave me “a reason.”

So I searched for happiness, focused on the one thing I knew I loved (yoga), and followed that path.

I became a yoga teacher. Yet, years of living out of balance caught up with me. My imbalances culminated into an expression of illness so extreme, I couldn’t ignore it. In the middle of a yoga teacher training, I broke out in a severe case of psoriasis  – literally overnight.

Sudden and so dramatic… I knew it was a sign I had to change. I didn’t want to live with that level of inflammation or dis-ease. And I didn’t want to turn to western medicine for a quick fix.

I knew, deep down, there was a way to heal. I believed there was a root cause to my physical and emotional suffering. And I was determined to find it.

In my search for answers and healing, I stumbled upon Ayurveda. Within mere weeks of practicing Ayurveda’s principles, I felt 1,000 times better! Almost immediately, I lost that ten pounds I could never lose before.

The violent psoriasis rash started to fade. I got my period for the first time in years. I found passion and enthusiasm for my life and I started seeing myself with loving eyes.

For the first time in my adult life, I felt strong, healthy, confident, vibrant and like myself!

It AMAZED me that such profound changes were possible through diet, nutrition, and self-care. So amazing that I made teaching and sharing Ayurveda my life’s work.

It’s my mission to share this life-changing medicine with people like you. People who want to discover a natural method for feeling incredible and free.

Before the cleanse I had really low energy. I was tired all the time and not sleeping well. After the RAD Cleanse, I had so much energy and was feeling so good about everything I even started a new business!

Patricia W.

Talya, I feel like you saved my life… I am so grateful for your guidance with my health and willingness to go the distance. I am feeling 150% better with new energy and clarity of mind. Thank you!

Bernadine R.

What’s given me the best results in terms of resolving chronic inflammation is following an Ayurvedic diet for my dosha! Talya Lutzker is the “Queen of Culinary Wellness”! She makes it easy and satiating.

Kate R.

If that’s you, I’d like to invite you to join me for …

The Most Nourishing Roadmap For Recharging Your Body, Mind and Spirit

The RAD Cleanse is a course where you LIVE Ayurveda – through food, nutrition, transformative awareness, and profound self-care. You learn exactly how to apply Ayurveda to your daily life through a seasonal eating program that’s so much more than a cleanse.

Through the simple practices and recipes I’ll teach you, you’ll quickly experience more energy, balance your hormones, and improve your mood. You’ll strengthen your digestion and develop stronger immunity. Through intelligent Ayurvedic nourishment and nutrition, you’ll begin to repair the root cause of troubling symptoms and restore true balance and health.

Seriously, this isn’t just a cleanse… it’s a comprehensive, deep-dive, Ayurvedic education into seasonal nourishment and self-care. It’s a restorative, rejuvenating exploration of the principles of Ayurveda that help you heal. Clearing your body of what it doesn’t need, and giving it all that it does, is only part of what this course covers.

The RAD Cleanse is not about deprivation. It’s not a fast (although we’ll practice intermittent fasting) and we eat far more foods than just kitchari.

This course is about learning to nourish your body, mind, and spirit with wholesome and surprisingly delicious food. It’s about balancing and aligning your body with the seasons. It’s about connecting with yourself on a deeply intimate level and honoring how you feel.

In The RAD Cleanse, you’ll discover more energy and inspiration, improve the quality of your skin, and rejuvenate your body. You’ll feel lighter, clearer, and simply amazing.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn when you join me for
The RAD Cleanse Spring Detox:


Discover how to keep your body in balance by identifying your specific body type, or Dosha, and what that means. I’ll help you fine-tune The RAD Cleanse for your unique constitution.


Feel empowered and supported as you learn how to manage and reduce common health symptoms like fatigue, allergies, digestive issues, weight gain and more.


Feel nourished, hydrated, and vibrant as you learn which foods to eat, which foods to eliminate, and the reasons why for both. You’ll get valuable recipes and learn what to eat to feel your best this season.


Watch unhealthy cravings disappear and discover more satisfying, permanent ways to soothe your moods and emotions. You’ll discover so many foods and rituals that make you feel awesome. You’ll find the root of your cravings and how to let them go.


Gain control of your health and get radically nourishing strategies for living a RAD life! The RAD Cleanse is a way of living and eating that you’ll love. (Tons of mouth watering recipes included.)


Implement everything you learn in real time. I’ll guide you every step of the way and show you exactly how to come out of the cleanse so you still feel great for weeks and months beyond the course.


Have greater health, strength, and energy. I’ll teach you easy-to-implement strategies – including body care practices – that keep you feeling great throughout and beyond The RAD Cleanse.


Experience deep transformation through self-loving self-care practices that support your well-being as it shifts for the better. Everything you learn will support you in experiencing deeper release and inner peace. Plus so much more…

The rad cleanse COURSE BREAKDOWN

MODULE 1: start here

  • Welcome to RAD! Discover how and why The RAD Cleanse works
  • Discover everything you need to know to succeed
  • Learn Ama and Agni – your keys to optimal health and metabolism
  • Orient to The RAD Cleanse Spring Detox
  • Unlock RAD essentials, recipes, & Ayurveda basics
  • Discover your Dosha
  • Start yoga for detox, guided meditations, and daily morning rituals


MODULE 2: get ready for rad

  • Prepare for your RAD-dest cleanse ever!
  • Start detoxing your life and set a sacred intention to get the most out of your course
  • Grab your first menu plan and meal inspirations
  • Receive simple, easy-to-prepare recipes that you’ll love eating
  • Grab your shopping lists, learn where to shop, what foods to avoid, and what foods to say YES to
  • Begin a ritual that boosts your energy and immunity
  • Take Talya’s virtual health food store tour

MODULE 3: let's get rad

  • Detox your six primary organs of elimination
  • Use food, herbs, and every meal as medicine
  • Learn season-specific, Ayurvedic body-care to enhance your detox
  • Discover deep hydration and how you can keep it
  • Create a morning routine that inspires you to start each day with intention, balance, and energy
  • Learn mindful eating practices that increase peace, help you lose weight, and reduce cravings
  • Fine-tune The RAD Cleanse just for you


MODULE 4: Take ayurveda deeper

  • Stay RAD when you eat out and travel
  • Learn Ayurvedic cooking techniques that transform your body and your time in the kitchen
  • Discover Ayurvedic herbs and rituals for immunity
  • Recover with love when you’re not feeling RAD
  • Immerse yourself in next-level self-care and next-level cleansing
  • Deepen, heal, and improve your relationship with food, eating, and self-love
  • Turn The RAD Cleanse into a way of life you love


MODULE 5: Just the beginning

  • Get tips and guided instruction for safely coming out of the cleanse
  • Integrate the RAD path into your every day life
  • Create your own RAD support system
  • Take Ayurveda with you so you can maintain long-term vitality and radiance
  • Discover why The RAD Cleanse is just the beginning of a lifetime of optimal health

MODULE 6: Bonus materials

  • Yoga for movement and detox
  • Guided meditations for body, mind, spirit
  • Guide to understanding the Doshas
  • Live Q&A Calls with Talya!
  • Vata, Pitta, Kapha Master Food Lists
  • Community forum for Q&A and support
  • Ayurvedic recipes and glossary
  • And so much more…


Eating seasonal foods from The RAD Cleanse transformed my feeling of nourishment overnight! Talya’s vibrant enthusiasm, deep knowledge, well-crafted lessons, and genuine care for her students made it easy for me to stay motivated and adopt healthy new habits that I continue to use every day.

Delana T.

You may be wondering how we’re going to cover all this.



Welcome Video & Orientation

Talya will orient you to the RAD Cleanse and give you everything you need to know to avoid overwhelm and prepare for your RAD-dest cleanse ever!

Powerful Intention Setting

When you set your intention, your goals are in reach. Talya will help you create the right mindset to make positive changes (and stick with them).

Inspiring Education

RAD Food, Ayurvedic Body Care, Yoga, Meditation and more. Talya will explain all you can expect from The RAD Cleanse, what staples to keep in your kitchen, how to increase your energy through daily hydration, and more.

100+ Page Cleanse Manual

Plus menu plans, recipes, body care, success trackers, and checklists. You’ll have all you need to grab your RAD essentials and cleanse with success.

Daily Support

To help you stay on track throughout the program. Talya makes sure that all your questions get answered. Your Ayurvedic knowledge will deepen as a result of the RAD Cleanse.


Video and audio yoga practices, guided meditations, affirmations, master food lists and more. Talya will help you get your energy back and take your health to the next level.

I loved watching Talya’s videos, interacting with the other RAD Cleansers and checking out the updates. I enjoyed being part of the group because I got ideas and could see other people succeeding. The community was a great value. I felt connected and people asked great questions. It was awesome!

Cindy Caviezel

Plus, the following BONUSES!

Bonus #1:

Weekly Live Q&A Calls With Talya!

(Value: $597)

Absolutely invaluable, for most cleansers this is their favorite part of the course. You’ll get amazing education, bonus material, and everything you could possibly need from The RAD Cleanse broken down for you – plus all of YOUR questions answered. These calls help you feel that you’re never behind, confused or overwhelmed. They help you stay on track, move at your own pace, and ask questions personal to YOUR journey. Topics range from hormone balance to Ayurvedic herbal remedies to personal health issues, and more!

Bonus #2:

Take Back Control of Hormonal and Age-Related Weight Gain: An Ayurvedic Workshop

(Value: $197)

Discover exactly how Ayurveda can help you understand your changing body, feel confident in your own skin, and reclaim control of your waistline! You’ll learn the root cause behind age-related weight gain and start beating afternoon slumps. The education in this workshop will help you have more energy, sleep more soundly at night, and balance menopausal symptoms. All while you nourish your adrenal and thyroid health. You’ll gain practical wisdom, actionable steps, and resources that align you with vibrant health.

Bonus #3:

Interactive Membership Site For Optimal Learning and Community

(Value: $397)

Deepen your learning, get all your questions answered, and connect with RAD people! The RAD Cleanse membership site offers a warm and supportive community where you’ll get all the support you want. It’s transformational, educational, and motivational, not to mention inspiring and fun! Here’s what RAD Cleansers say: “I’m making such good headway with my goals – they’re slipping in naturally and gradually, which is wonderful – and this community is a large part of it.” – L.K.

Now, you may be wondering how much this is going to cost you.

First, I want you to consider that The RAD Cleanse is an investment in your long-term health and self-care.

This course is one of the most powerful, dis-ease preventing practices you can do. Rather than thinking “cost,” imagine the HUGE return you can expect on your health!


How much is it worth to know that you’re about to gain total empowerment over your body and how you feel? To know you have the power to create the exact HEALTH experience you want? That your ability to heal is within your reach and in your hands? It’s invaluable!

Did you know? Seasonal cleansing is anti-aging, disease-preventing, inflammation-reducing, immune-boosting, and hormone-balancing.

It reminds you to live in harmony with yourself – and with nature. That’s why I recommend seasonal cleansing to all my students and clients. And why I keep the RAD Cleanse investment price so reasonable.


Flourish, Nourish, and Master the Art of Self-Healing Through Seasonal Ayurvedic Rituals, Nutrition, and the Best Self-Care of Your Life


$349 (or three installments of $139)

So Are You Ready To Get RAD?

Or do you still have a few questions?


Here are answers to some of the questions

I hear most frequently:

Q : I'm not sure I can afford this. How can I justify the cost?

A: I’d love for you to consider the RAD Cleanse an investment in your health… and what’s more important than your health? I’ve made the investment as accessible as possible, including offering a payment plan. I’m confident that if you’re dedicated to improving your health, you’ll be able to find this in your budget. Think of how much you’ll save on medications and sugar-laden foods. Or caffeine pick-me-ups that don’t even make you feel good. Can you afford NOT to invest in feeling better?

Q: I don't think I have time for a cleanse. How much time will this take?

A:  All you need is to get prepared. We’ll help you save time by providing you with a health food store tour, shopping list, and all the resources you need. The recipes we share are quick and easy to prepare—most of them taking less than 30 minutes. And if cooking isn’t your thing, we can help. I have a feeling that when you start to experience increased energy, you’ll start to feel like you have more time! Also, you’ll have access to the RAD Cleanse for 90 days from the day you buy. This is a self-paced program, so you can complete it in your own timing.

Q: I've tried everything already! How do I know this will work?
A: I get it. You may have tried a lot, but you haven’t yet tried THIS. Ayurveda sees you as an individual. And when you know how to eat right for YOUR body and YOUR digestive system, it’s a game changer. When you practice a healing system like Ayurveda, balance becomes possible, tangible and 100% within your power.
Q: I always let myself down and don't follow through. I know what to do, but I don't always do it. How can you help me with this?
A: I hear you. It’s hard to stick with something when it feels hard or overwhelming, and even harder when it’s not working. But with the RAD Cleanse, you get to meet it where you are. Exactly like you meet a new yoga pose or exercise you haven’t tried before. You do the best you can. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to do the cleanse, and it’s done in community with a ton of support. Plus, it’s fun! That will carry you farther than trying to do it alone. Lean in and let us support you.
Q: I rarely stick with anything long enough for it to make a difference. How fast will this work?
A: Now is your chance to begin again and commit to something for 30 days. You can do anything for 30 days! I have a feeling you’ll start to see results fast — within the first week. But if you still don’t see a difference at the end of 30 days, I’ll keep working with you until you get there.
Q: Will I have to run to the bathroom? Can I do this while I'm working?
A: Not to worry! This cleanse is food-based. And although your elimination will improve, you will NOT be running to the bathroom. You’ll feel energized, balanced, grounded and stable. The RAD Cleanse will increase your productivity. And help you feel less overwhelmed and busy.
Q: How long is the RAD Cleanse, and how long will I have access to it?

A: The RAD Cleanse is designed so that you can complete it within 30 days. The “official” detox of the course is 14 days, but you have the option of shortening or extending that time period, as you wish. We spend the first 2 modules of the course getting ready for the cleanse: physically, emotionally, & mentally. Modules 3 and 4 are The RAD Cleanse – guided and step-by-step. We spend the final module integrating The RAD way into your every day life.

You have 90 days of access to the course from the day it opens. It’s a 100% online, move-at-your-own-pace course, so you get to pick your start date and do the course as it works for your schedule. The RAD Cleanse meets you where you’re at! Not the other way around.

So NOW are you ready?

Yes, Talya! I’m ready to to feel amazing!
I’m ready to have flourish, nourish, and master the art of self healing!

Sign me up for the RAD Cleanse!

I understand that for my investment of $349

(or three installments of $139), I receive:

Right now, your health may be at a crossroads.

Right now, you’re not feeling your best. You know you could feel better, look better, and live better… if only you had the right system. One that truly works for YOU. 

And right now, you’re standing at an open door. On the other side, I will give you everything you need to feel radiant, balanced, healthy… Will you step through the door and join me? The choice is yours!

To your health – and radiance.

Love, Talya

P.S. Within days of joining The RAD Cleanse, you could feel more energetic, peaceful and vibrant. And you’ll know you made a choice that shouts “I matter” from the rooftops.

So what are you waiting for? Why spend another day feeling less than your best? Feeling better starts now, here.

100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied*


*View the complete Terms of Purchase.

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